February 28, 2008

Know It All

There lived a naïve know-it-all
Knowing he didn’t know much at all

The pride of knowing took a big fall
When what he wanted he did not get at all
Know it all then curbed his ego and all
It was a question of feeding him big tummy after all

The know-alls his guides made him to his mind call
What he had suspected after all
That he didn’t know anything at all

He ate dust and ground his nose to know all
And when his nemesis know-alls met their fall
He thought now I know something after all

That false notion soon led to his very downfall
But survive he did, he had learned well after all

Now, claims does not he make tall
For he doesn’t want to once again crawl
How will he then, he cries, ever free his soul?
In this search, knowing, yet he feigns not to know at all

January 29, 2008

The fire raged within
Ebbing Searing
Senseless Time
Maddened Mind
Meaningless Torture
Victorious Defeat
Purposeful Struggle
Make some sense
Clear my train
Defeat Again
Offer me Light

January 17, 2008


Across the wasteland
The Sentinels
Holding their torches high
Guarding the ruins
The slumbering Ghost town
A long unending line
Rising up and flowing down
And sweeping across the horizon
Waves Undulating
The road flows along
Or is it a boundary wall
Protecting the child
That grows in the womb of the desert land

September 07, 2007

Knowing what you want
Aware this is not it
Still the strings are pulled
And you plunge in head first
But barely swim you can
Thrashing around for survival
And by the powers surrounding you
Making it back to blessed land
Yet a mark has been left
An imprint of terror
The next time the guardian angel
Might not be around
Yet the urge to surf the waves
That thrill my being can't be denied

September 03, 2007

Undesired Wants

Feeling the feelings
you don't want to feel
But to feel once
And not to touch
More importantly - be touched
And the feeling ends
Relegated to the backyard barn
Full of so many, wanted undesired fleeting touches

August 19, 2007

Lives Redeemed?

I have undone so many lives
Freed them from the clutches of mediocrity
And left them floundering on the waves of disarray

Gave them a new life to live
And snatched from them dear stability

Oh cruel me
The great liberator
Do I need to be cursed?
Or offered a kiss, a reward?

June 14, 2007

Shooting My Senses

There are so many of you
The demons of Light
I pluck one out
Shoot the other to smithereens
Still they keep popping up
Now my senses are numbed
My hand moves slowly
Being drawn like a moth
The escape is the distance
And the sheer death below
Even where you were not to be
You persist
Blinding my senses, numbing my eyes

Hollow Pride

Simplicity suffers
In the absence of substance
The mind needs to be boggled
For the good feeling to sustain
Hollow pride in nothingness
Thrills a fleeting minute
Ere being swamped by gloom